Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gamestop's $99 "Arcade Banjo/Viva Pinata" 360 Bundle Is NOT an Arcade Console w/Games

Gamestop is always posting things early and people manage to somehow trip over these obscure posts. Their latest is a posting titled: "Bundle - Arcade Banjo/Viva Pinata" and many are assuming this is an "arcade" Xbox 360 (The bundle without the expensive-as-heck hard-drive) bundled with the Banjo-Kazooie: Nut and Bolts and Viva Pinata, the kicker being the low price of $99.99. This is obviously not the case.

To start, we examine the category that Gamestop has it listed as. It's listed as "Puzzle & Cards" and "Puzzle". However, the other console bundles, such as the "Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite Splinter Cell Conviction" bundle and the Forza 3/Halo: ODLC bundle are listed under the category of "systems".

What is strange, is that none of the Viva Pinata games, nor Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts are listed as "puzzle" games. They're listed as Action, Adventure, and simulation games. However, the mis-listing of a game bundle is a lot more likely than a $99 bundle of a current generation game system. It's incredibly unlikely that microsoft has brought the price of the arcade down to $99 AND with games.

The way it is titled is also much different from the title of the known console bundles. This listing is "Bundle - Arcade Banjo/Viva Pinata" while the 360 bundles are "Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite Splinter Cell Conviction" and "Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite Bundle".

So what explains the "arcade" part of the title? Simple; it probably includes a voucher for the original titles, available on Xbox LIVE Arcade.

Do you want to know what the listing really is?:

This is, of course, purely speculation.

Speculation from yours truly,
Dustin The Mortician

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